
Professionals looking for help in your career journey,

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Professionals looking for career help

Students looking for help in your career journey,

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Students looking for career help

About Murray Comber

I am a trained and qualified Career Consultant graduating with Honors with the Career & Work Consulting Diploma from George Brown College in Toronto, Ontario, Canada in 2000. Prior to that I was brought up in a minister’s home, pastored churches for 25 years myself before going in a different direction. My years in ministry allowed me to develop many skills that were transferred into what I do now. These were:

-> ‘One on One’ counselling
-> Small Group sessions
-> Large Group presentations
-> Curriculum Development
-> Project Management
-> Understanding & Working with People
-> Listening Skills
-> Situational Insight


These, my professional training, ongoing development along with my personal experience with career change & transition, have become the backbone of what I bring to the table when I work with clients. This is what drives the core of my training company, Life Concepts which began in January 2001. It is an organization created to develop both Team and Leadership within organizations as well as help employees find their career path.

On a personal note...I am a husband to Heather, a Father to two married children and a ‘Papa’ to four grandkids…all boys. I currently live in Stratford, Ontario, Canada, an industrial community that is well known for its live theatre, the Avon River and Swans.

Career Consultant since 2001
Well Trained & Assessment Based
Ready to Help You Explore Your Career Possibilities